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Proud to assist

What we offer is simple


Professional service manage, Deer, Fox & Vermin. Experienced & Qualified. Safe and humane. Minimal Disruption.


We carry site survey, listen carefully to your instructions and comments, agree a plan, obtain your written permission then carry out what you asked.


We are fully insured, fully qualified with years of experience to meet your requirement. Your satisfaction is our outmost goal.

Fallow deer

Deer Management

Wild deer are a part of our biodiversity. They pleasure visitors to the countryside. But in the absence of predators in the UK, deer populations have grown unchecked and have
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Keeping Britain Wild

Protecting the UK’s Animal Species is a must, in United Kingdom, despite its relatively small size, boasts a surprising diversity of wildlife. From the soaring peaks of Scotland to the
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A fox looing at you

Fox Control

The fox is sometimes referred to as vermin, BUT IT IS NOT, and never has been categorised as such by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).Foxes are
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A rabbit sitting in the midddle of grass


Given the problems associated with rabbits, the increase in numbers is likely to be accompanied by a corresponding rise in the amount of serious crop damage reported. It is essential,
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